
43 Game Reviews w/ Response

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Y'all did a pretty good job at making a game with an amazing story! I've noticed point-and-click games are few and far between these days, but this one has a great concept!

97OldGrounder responds:

Thanks! Never thought my story would be called "amazing" by someone!

This game is pretty awesome! One thing I would suggest is having more of a difficulty curve, as it doesn't really seem to get much harder. I was able to get near 100,000 due to this.

y-zo responds:

Hi, thanks for your review! Indeed the difficulty doesn't change at all^^ It was just a simple project, but I could do more in the future (difficulty, better integration whether it's here or on other websites), I'm currently working on other stuff but the development isn't over yet!

I love the idea of the game! An extra thing that could be cool would be a 5x5 puzzle option or maybe some irregular ones like 4x6 or something like that. Overall a good game though.

JG0328 responds:

Thanks for playing!! Those are really good ideas.

This looks pretty good! It was somewhat hard to stay on the road at first, but after a while I got used to it lol.

ChrisGout responds:

understandable. I am still not good at the game XD

Pretty good! I like the visuals and concept of the game! One thing I had noticed was for the first few levels, I could just go to a corner and not move, just shoot everything automatically. I would suggest putting some enemies at the corner to prevent that from happening with anyone else.

SlimyKoala responds:

i'll try to work on that, thanks for the feedback :P
Edit: fixed

I like the concept of the game, but the movement doesn't really work.

kemauriitk responds:

Yeah, I tried to do the animation coding of it, but it just end up like this but don’t worry, I will try to fix it!

This game looks amazing, plays amazing, and has an amazing concept! Five stars for you!

hamdy34 responds:

I'm glad you enjoyed it!

This game is interesting. I didn't get very high scores, but I still like the concept of the game!

Edit: I just realized that it was a "keep going as long as you can" game and I got 195. o-O

wormius responds:

Wow, not bad at all. I don't even know what is the maximum score you can get, need a mathematician to answer that. So you might not be that far from it.

Thanks for playing

Hello, I am a beginning game developer that is here to share a bit of the stuff I made. Feel free to message me if you have any ideas for what I should make, or if you just want to chat, feel free to!

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