
43 Game Reviews w/ Response

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This looks nice, and I figured out the controls, but it would be nice if you could have them be more clear. Another thing, I've noticed sometimes the character goes through the blocks. Other than those two things, this game actually looks and plays very well!

Tawa64 responds:

1.5 hitb-xes

I love the concept of this game! I beat it very quickly, but it was still fun! The graphics also look very good. The only thing I would suggest is maybe making it a bit longer. You still get a full score from me though. (Also, the medals are broken, for future reference.)

Abdragon1996 responds:


This looks really good! I like the font you used for the numbers and the effects you have in the game! :] My only suggestion would be to add some sound effects and/or music.

OUTSEET responds:

thanks this is just a prerelease to check for gameplay problems thanks for the feedback i am now trying to make some music since i try to make everything myself thanks to defold game engine it was easy to make the gameplay and export a high performance html game

I like the artstyle of this game! My only question is how do you advance?

ActoonicProdoction responds:

It only have one level, more level are coming when i know how to go to the next level

I like the idea and the artstyle of this game, but I do have some suggestions. Maybe put a little more detail in the platforms, and maybe make the character smaller, but jump higher. That could make it so the platforms aren't as hard to get on.

christon101 responds:

thx for the suggestions, ill make it different

I love the concept of this game! The graphics and sound effects are also amazing, and make the game feel very fluid! You did a great job on it! :]

Groundsprite responds:

Glad you enjoyed it <3 hope you look forward to the full release!

I love the concept of this game! This could really help some people. The only thing I would suggest is having more of a clear concept of when you start, and there seems to be some unresponsiveness when trying to drag a piece. It can take 2-3 tries to be able to drag it to a spot.

DreamscapeLLC responds:

Hello. Thanks for playing our game and your feedback. Dragging the pieces should be more responsive now.

This game looks awesome and I like the concept, but all the sound comes from the left part of my headphones except for like one sound effect.

StrictPossum responds:

Oh. That is interesting. I always play it with my laptop so I don't notice but I will see if I can duplicate it.

I like the concept of the game, but I do have an idea for the movement and how to make it more fluid.

when green flag clicked:
set [movement direction v] to (<right arrow pressed?> - <left arrow pressed>)
move player ((movement direction) * 10)

TH3LOLMAN responds:

thank you, although I don't use scratch or block code anymore I will maybe check it out

I like the concept of the game! The one thing I would recommend is listing the controls, as I didn't see any indication of them at the beginning. Also, I didn't see any indication on what the guy's brother looked like. Other than those two things, great game. Would play again.

EnverArco responds:

Thank you so much for feedback GalaxyOfVal, you made my day!

Hello, I am a beginning game developer that is here to share a bit of the stuff I made. Feel free to message me if you have any ideas for what I should make, or if you just want to chat, feel free to!

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