
106 Game Reviews

43 w/ Responses

Awesome game! I love the concept, and even though getting through the levels was a bit hard, I still enjoyed it. The only downfall to this game is that I feel it's a bit too short. Maybe add a couple more levels, or more objectives to the levels, such as having to destroy all the enemies, only having a set time, or only having so many lives. Other than that, I feel this game is great!

Amazing board, and I love the "shut up" button in the corner lol. (I know it is just a stop button, but the fact you went the extra mile to make it a shut up button is amazing.) The one thing I would suggest adding is more buttons. I think if there were a scared horn or a . tone horn, it would be amazing, or a rickroll remix horn. (Not the original song but a remix)

This was a pretty fun game, and I like that the game was nice and simple. What did you use to make this game?

critatonic responds:

I made it on a fantasy console called Pico-8, it's not free but it's all self-contained and fairly easy to learn compared to most game development platforms I've tried.

This is a really unique and fun concept! What I would suggest is maybe there could be some form of randomness added to it? Other than that, I think it is absolutely perfect! I'm still giving ya a 5!

I like the concept and the simplicity of the game! The game also features very high-quality graphics, and appealing visuals. You seem like an amazing game designer.

This game is honestly really cool and unique. I like the pixel art style also. :D

Hello, I am a beginning game developer that is here to share a bit of the stuff I made. Feel free to message me if you have any ideas for what I should make, or if you just want to chat, feel free to!

Age 18

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Joined on 1/10/23

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