
106 Game Reviews

43 w/ Responses

I like the visuals of the game! This game does have some room for improvement though. It's unclear what the fast forward and time powerups do.

I'm not really sure what to do after I have collected all the coins, but I like the visuals though.

This looks good, but the controls were very unclear, and there are some things you can do to improve this, as this has room for improvement. My first suggestion would be to use custom sprites, rather than Scratch ones for the ball. Number two, using a custom counter would make it look more unique, maybe even make it look less like a Scratch game. Overall, this is a good game with a lot of potential.

This game is a really neat turn-based game! It's pretty addictive too lol.

This game is interesting. I didn't get very high scores, but I still like the concept of the game!

Edit: I just realized that it was a "keep going as long as you can" game and I got 195. o-O

wormius responds:

Wow, not bad at all. I don't even know what is the maximum score you can get, need a mathematician to answer that. So you might not be that far from it.

Thanks for playing

This game is pretty funny, and I like the concept of it! Love what I played!

wormius responds:

Thanks buddy

This looks really cool, and I really like the transformative effect when you draw. The one thing I would suggest however, is making the UI more clear.

Shogoun94 responds:

thank you for the reply, but yeah a agreed with you i'm working on it.

This game is awesome, it took me a lot of skill.. and a couple of the later levels needing walkthrough assistance, but the game and concept were good nonetheless.

This game is pretty cool, and it shows what species that are at risk may go through every day. This game has a deeper meaning to it that it seems. Keep it up!

I like the game concept, and how you are in an urgent feeling while doing the puzzles at the same time! The one thing I would suggest adding is a hint button if you are stuck in an area, and want to get past it, it gives you a hint on something to use or a place to go.

Hello, I am a beginning game developer that is here to share a bit of the stuff I made. Feel free to message me if you have any ideas for what I should make, or if you just want to chat, feel free to!

Age 18

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Joined on 1/10/23

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