
35 Movie Reviews w/ Response

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I love the artstyle in this! What did you use to make this?

Krillame responds:

I used Procreate, TY

I don't really understand what is happening, but it's better animation than I can do lol.

DICExMICE responds:

Oh whoops lol, I'll put it in a comment :)

I love the old flash style of this! Is there more I could watch?

MiguelPUPET responds:

Thanks :)

I'm making some other shorts about the series

This looks really nice! The only thing I would change about it is maybe have a little more to it, rather than a 3 second loop. Maybe there could be a short story behind it.

cometmisfit responds:

Thanks. Appreciate your support. This was just an animation test as I figured out some new programs and a new work flow. Will def be doing story based animation soon.

This is honestly a great little short. It combines two worlds together effectively, and it blends together to make an awesome humorous short! Great job! :]

JamsAnimates responds:

Thanks for the feedback, I'll make sure to make even better shorts!

I love the animation and the humor in this! You did a great job making some quick comedy! :D

CharlieEmerson responds:

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed :)

I like the artstyle of this animation. However, I would suggest making it longer or adding something else to it also, as these typically do not last long on the portal.

grunty9 responds:

Ок, Ok, then I don't mind making a remake of the first parts of the Madness_combat in pixel style)

I love your artstyle! The Marker smile at the end is hilarious.

Noobliss120 responds:

thanks lol

This intro looks really good! I love the music that goes along with it also!

issuseless47519189 responds:

Thanks, but this is the old intro. An improved one is coming before Thursday (hopefully)

The humor alone gets this a 5 star from me. I was laughing the whole time. My suggestion is please make more episodes lol.

Tristanator600 responds:

thank you so much im working on new animations as we speak

Hello, I am a beginning game developer that is here to share a bit of the stuff I made. Feel free to message me if you have any ideas for what I should make, or if you just want to chat, feel free to!

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