
83 Movie Reviews

35 w/ Responses

The animation is alright, but I do have some suggestions. Maybe making this have some background music or having another character to help would improve it.

PopCultureCorn responds:

Thanks for your valuable feedback :) In terms of your suggestions.....

-The original audio didn't have background music, but I will strongly consider that in the future

-Another character would be fun, I just hadn't really thought of that at the time

I like the idea, but I would suggest voicing it over or using some form of voicing? I feel it would make this a lot better.

TheNorf responds:

I absolutely would if I had a feminine voice, but sadly I do not, nor do I know anyone that would be willing to voice it

I like the idea of the series! Keep up the amazing work!

VELA-VE responds:

(Sorry if this is late but) Thank you for your support!^^
I’m under consideration of a sequel to WRATH for 2024.

I love the concept and the story! One thing I would suggest is working on the art a little more. Still a good animation nonetheless! :D

This looks really good! I love the visuals!

Please tell me there are more of these. I want to see more with these characters.

The title does not lie. (Actually it does, because this looks awesome, and I wonder what kind of series this will turn out to be.)

I don't know how to describe this, but this is awesome and weird at the same time. Only downfall is that it's on the short side.

Nice art/animation style! This was a pretty cool short lol.

The whole thing was funny. I also love the random memes and how unfazed the workers seemed. The players definitely brought a lot of comedy into it.

Hello, I am a beginning game developer that is here to share a bit of the stuff I made. Feel free to message me if you have any ideas for what I should make, or if you just want to chat, feel free to!

Age 18

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